Thank you thank you! From all of us in Texas!!!! He does amazing work! We can turn Texas blue! He lost in 2018, kept working to register voters in Texas. Lost again in 2022, kept working to register voters. If Colin Allred wins, we will thank Beto. If Texas goes blue, we will thank Beto. So many of us got to work in his 2018 campaign and haven’t stopped. Today I was at a town hall and questions from my table about voter registration. I answered them and gave them my phone number and said, I will come and get you registered. Yes, I am a VDR (the hoops we have to jump through to register voters!) but I am taken the classes and have the certifications. Again, thanks Beto. This is what supporting his organization means! It means that a man who is in his 70’s will vote for the first time this November!

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Liza thank you for your dedicated work!

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I’m thinking that if Texas manages to flip the switch and go BLUE … it would be great to elect a new governor. Beto?

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Some day I really hope so!

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Great promise in this program . . . by my estimates, the current occupant of the Texas governor’s office received 1 in 5 eligible votes . . . 20%

That was reported as ‘55%’ and a decisive win.

55% of 46% turnout of 80% registered -> 20% of eligible.

That means 3 of 5 eligible voters didn’t vote; 1 of those wasn’t registered.

Huge opportunity . . . !

First, do you get the same numbers?

Second, I believe telling voters this ought to motivate them to see that their vote could count more this year.

There are explicit and subversive and implicit voter repression programs all across Texas. . . and the rest of our nation . . . is registration restricted now?

Can a citizen turn up to vote unregistered on voting day?

Also, I have been wondering if there are ‘voter buddy’ programs anywhere in our great country, to provide moral support, and simple physical presence and backup . . . babysitting, etc . . .

thanks for your work! - best luck to US, b.rad

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Voting without registering is only permitted in North Dakota. But 23 states and DC now have automatic voter registration (AVR) tied to interactions with state agencies such as the DMV. Predictably, many of this year’s key battlegrounds are in states with no AVR, including AZ, FL, MO, MT, NC, OH, TX, and WI. While “blue” states are far more likely to have AVF, Georgia has it but New York has promised but not yet implemented it.

Political campaigns and parties do help people get to the polls or mail-in ballots as part of their GOTV efforts. Key organizations helping to expand voting rights and access include the League of Women Voters, the Brennan Center for Justice, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Common Cause, and Fair Fight in Georgia.

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Am on the 'weekly' donor list for Kamala; am going to a neighbor's to write postcards or letters to help people remember to vote. I only wish I didn't get 3+ texts a day saying I hadn't responded to them on whether I will vote for Kamala --- I wonder whether I should keep replying to more than one group since if they add all the K votes together they're going to count me at least twice; along with a million others who reply to each text that'll give a false high count, which I think is not good for us. Not sure what to do about this .. ..

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Any text like that I send the word STOP right away. You don't need them! It's all fundraising spam.

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Keep it up Beto, if you pull it off it will change American politics forever and make living in America once more the shining capital on the hill.

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just signed up to send postcards in Texas! glad to be able to help out!

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Thank you thank you you!!!

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Oh Beto, you broke my heart… But if you couldn’t beat a douche bag like Ted Cruz, you just don’t have what it takes.

I really supported you - even contributed to your campaign - bought into all the clickbait about how you were winning - and then it all cancelled crashing down. Never again.

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It’s pretty obvious that not enough people in Texas voted…if more people voted maybe Beto would’ve won ?!why are you such a downer? Let it go and go to work.

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Whose fault was it that not enough Democrats came out to vote for Beto????

Sorry. Beto broke my heart. If he couldn’t beat a douche bag like Ted Cruz, he doesn’t have what it takes to play in the big leagues. He seemed like he should be an amazing candidate, and yet couldn’t get the job done.

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I’m sorry you’re a whiner and a loser. Help get the vote out.

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Thanks. Made a donation to Powered by People. Blue Texas!

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